Friday, October 13, 2017

Walk to School - October 2017

Emma, Lucy, Molly, Phoebe, Isaac, and I walked to school this morning. Brrrrrr! It was foggy and chilly, but was a great way to start the day. Isaac joined our group after I'd put my camera away, but he was with us.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Fun Fall Friday

On Friday, the PTC hosted an Ice Cream Social for the students and staff of OTES. We ate our ice cream outside, with our Kindergarten Reading Buddies, then decided to read outside, too. Mrs. Reesman and I realized that we should take advantage of these outdoor opportunities before Winter hits! Our Fun Fall Friday was complete with a visit from Meteorologist Steve Smith, and we were able to impress him with our knowledge of Weather, Climate,  the Water Cycle, and Natural Hazards.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Junior Ranger Program

Yesterday, Rangers from Acadia National Park visited OTES to teach us about their jobs. We performed skits to demonstrate the Rangers' roles of interpretation, maintenance, resource management, administration, fire management, and protection. It was a wonderful way to spend an afternoon! We learned a lot and laughed even more.